Our Approach

Relationships Education at Twyford C of E School is delivered through discrete weekly PSHE lessons, taught in classes, by class teachers. It takes a thematic approach to primary PSHE education. The programme of study encompasses three core themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

Each core theme is broken down into three topics:

Health and Wellbeing

  • Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing
  • Growing and Changing
  • Keeping Safe


  • Families and Friendships
  • Safe Relationships
  • Respecting Ourselves and Others

Living in the Wider World

  • Belonging to a Community
  • Media Literacy and Digital Resilience
  • Money and Work

Due to our mixed age classes, topics are planned on a two-yearly cycle so that appropriate time can be spent on the delivery of each core theme. We also recognise that planning must be adapted year on year to reflect the context and needs of the school and local community.

Through RSE, children will learn a moral code which they can use as they grow and develop through puberty, and they will also be able to think critically about safe and unsafe relationships and experiences, empowering them to take action when needed.

Sex Education

Sex Education at Twyford C of E School is delivered through explicit lessons taught in specific year groups from Year 2 to Year 6 during the Summer term.

The long term planning for the delivery of Sex Education has been developed by the PSHE Lead in guidance with the PSHE Association and the Christopher Winter Project. It comprises:

  • Statutory Science Curriculum content
  • Statutory Health Education
  • Statutory Relationships Education
  • Non statutory Sex Education content

All of which can be found in the PSHE Curriculum Statement below.

Our pupils will receive a tailored sex education programme delivered through explicit sex education sessions. This programme of study has been specifically tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of pupils. This is taught from Year 2 to Year 6.

Although sex education is not compulsory in primary schools, we passionately believe that children should understand the facts about human reproduction before they leave primary school. We believe that teaching this additional content to pupils will ensure that they are better prepared for transition to secondary school and also support their personal and social development as they grow into young adults.

As is legally prescribed, parents have a right to withdraw their children from these additional non-statutory sex education lessons. Our school Sex Education Policy provides further detail regarding parents’ right to withdraw.

Further information: